Important Safeguards ..............................................................................2
Welcome and Thank You .........................................................................3
How to Reach Capresso....................................................................3, 14
Line Drawings (Figures 1 -14)..............................................................5, 6
1. Equipment..........................................................................................7
2. Preparing the MT500 .........................................................................7
a. Before First Use.............................................................................7
b. The Display / Setting the Clock and the Timer .............................7
c. To Set the Current Time.................................................................7
d. To Set an Auto-On Time................................................................7
3. The Charcoal Filter lndicator..............................................................7
a. Using the Charcoal Water Filter.....................................................7
b. Replacing the cartridge / Resetting the Filter Indicator ...............8
4. The Proper Sequence for Making Coffee..........................................8
5. Making Coffee....................................................................................9
a. Using the GoldTone Filter ..............................................................9
b. Using Filter Paper..........................................................................9
c. How Much Coffee?........................................................................9
d. Using the Stainless Steel Carafe...................................................9
e. Turning the Coffee Maker On ........................................................9
f. Serving Coffee ................................................................................9
g. Pouring Coffee While Brewing.....................................................10
h. Brewing Small Amounts of Coffee ..............................................10
i. Making Multiple Carafes of Coffee ...............................................10
j. Auto Shut-Off / Manual Shut-Off..................................................10
k. Warm Platform! ............................................................................10
6. Automatic Brewing at a Pre-Programmed Time..............................10
7. Handling of the Thermal Carafe ....................................................11
8. Keeping Coffee Hot in Thermal Carafes .........................................11
9. Cleaning the Coffee Maker ............................................................11
10. Cleaning the Stainless Steel Carafe ................................................11
11. Decalcifying......................................................................................11
a. How to Decalcify with Durgol ......................................................12
b. Using other Decalcifying Agents ................................................12
12. Troubleshooting ...............................................................................12
13. Warranty .........................................................................................13
Product Registration .............................................................................15
FIG. 3
FIG. 4
FIG. 5
Lift up
FIG. 6
FIG. 7
FIG. 8
Brewing Position
Lid closed
FIG. 9
FIG. 10
FIG. 11
Serving Position
FIG. 12
FIG. 14
FIG. 13
1. Equipment
push the program button. The display
The Capresso MT500 comes complete shows the programmed time and will
with: • Stainless Steel Thermal Carafe
with Lid • GoldTone Filter (inserted in
removable Filter Holder) • Measuring
Scoop • Charcoal Filter with Charcoal
Filter Holder • Instruction Book and
Mail Order Form
switch back to the actual time.
To change the programmed time,
push the program button and repeat
as described above.
Attention: Flashing LED Display!
If you unplug the MT500 for more
than 10 seconds or if you have a
power failure, you will lose the current
time and program settings. The flash-
ing LED display indicates that you
have to reset the current and pro-
grammed time.
2. Preparing the MT500
2a. Before First Use
After unpacking your MT500
clean all the loose parts with warm
water and make yourself familiar with
the different functions. After reading
these instructions, let some water run
through the coffee maker to clean all
internal parts.
3. The Charcoal Filter Indicator
When you plug in the MT500
the green indicator light for the char-
coal filter will be on (Fig 2, Q).
If you use spring water, bottled water
or distilled water and make coffee
right away, it is not necessary to use
the charcoal filter. Push the blue Filter
Button (Fig. 2, Q) and the green filter
indicator light will turn off.
Attention: Spring water and distilled
water might attract impurities when
sitting in the water container
2b. The Display / Setting the Clock
and Timer
When you plug in the MT500 the
orange display will flash "º12:00" and
the green indicator light for the char-
coal filter will be on. All other indicator
lights are off.
2c. To Set the Current Time (Fig. 2)
Push and hold the hour button. The
little dot on the left upper side (indi-
cating AM) changes to a left lower dot
(indicating PM). When the correct
hour shows up release the button and
push and hold the minute button to
set the minutes.
overnight. The charcoal filter will
remove most of these impurities since
the water will be filtered just before
entering the heating element.
3a. Using the Charcoal Water Filter
Most tap water is treated with chlo-
rine. The charcoal filter removes up to
82% of the chlorine and other impuri-
ties found in tap water, improving the
taste of water substantially.
Attention: You must change the clock
when the time changes (Standard
Time, Daylight Savings Time).
2d. To Set an Auto-On Time:
The charcoal cartridge sits in the
charcoal holder (see Fig. 4). The char-
coal holder is already inserted into the
water container.
To activate the charcoal cartridge
pour four cups of water into the water
container and let it sit for approx. 3
minutes. Then turn the machine on
and let the water brew into the carafe
(see chapter 5e). Discard the water.
If you want the MT500 to start brew-
ing at a preset time automatically, first
push the program button (Fig. 2, P).
The display shows "º12:00".
Immediately start pushing the hour
and minute buttons as described
above until the desired time shows
up. Within a few seconds the display
will revert to the actual time.
To check the programmed time just
As long as the green Charcoal Filter
Light is on, the MT500 monitors time
and the number of brewings.
The green charcoal filter light will
start blinking either after 6 weeks or
after the Coffee Brewing Button has
been turned on 60 times (Fig. 2, N)
whichever comes first, reminding you
to replace the cartridge:
Button for a few seconds until the
light stops blinking and is illuminated
again. Now the indicator starts count-
ing anew.
4. The Proper Sequence for Making
Coffee makers produce very hot
water. If you follow the sequence as
described below you will avoid possi-
ble accidents which might cause
severe injuries and burns.
If you make coffee once a day, the
filter light will start flashing after 6
weeks. If you make coffee twice a
day, the light will flash after 30 days. If 1. Remove carafe from machine.
you make coffee three times a day,
the light will flash after 20 days. This
will help you to plan the right amount
of cartridges.
Attention: When you unplug the
machine for more than 10 seconds or
if you have a power failure, the elec-
tronic indicator loses its memory.
Then it is best to replace the filter 6
weeks after first use.
Caution: Once the cartridge is activated
you should never use it for longer
than six weeks. Harmful bacteria
build-up may occur. Unused car-
tridges can be stored indefinitely.
2. Open water container lid (Fig. 1,A)
and pour water into the water
container. Caution: Watch the
water level indicator. Make sure
the water level does not reach the
letter "M" of the word MAX. If you
fill too much water into the tank
the carafe will overflow with hot
coffee (see Fig. 6).
3. Make sure the filter holder (Fig. 1,C)
sits firmly in the Filter Holder
Housing (Fig. 1,F). Push the tab of
the filter holder down (Fig. 8) to
make sure the filter holder sits
firmly in the Filter Holder housing.
If the filter holder is not snapped
into the housing, the drip stop
in the filter holder might not open
during brewing and hot water and
grinds could overflow and leak
from the machine.
Replacement cartridges are avail-
able through your local Capresso
dealer or by using the enclosed mail
order form or through the website:
4. Insert filter paper (chapter 5b)
or a GoldTone Filter (chapter 5a).
5. Add the correct amount of ground
coffee (chapter 5c).
3b. Replacing the Cartridge /
Resetting the Filter Indicator
Remove the cartridge from the water
container (Fig. 3), twist and open the
holder and discard the old cartridge.
Replace with new cartridge (Fig. 4)
and close the filter holder securely.
Insert the assembly back into the
water tank (Fig. 3) and make sure it is
inserted properly otherwise the water
container lid will not close completely.
Activate the charcoal filter (chapter 3a).
While the green light is still blinking,
push and hold the Charcoal Filter
6. Close the water container lid.
7. Make sure the thermal carafe is
empty and the lid of the thermal
carafe is completely closed (Fig. 11).
Insert the carafe into the machine.
8. Turn the machine on (Fig. 2, N).
9. Never open the water container lid
as long as coffee is brewing. Hot
water could spill out causing burns.
Wait until the brewing noise stops.
10. Immediately after brewing is finished
there could still be hot water in
the filter holder passing through
the ground coffee. This can take 1
to 3 minutes depending on how
much coffee you used and how
fine the coffee was ground.
Size 4
Paper Filter
Maximum #
of Scoops
Regular or Drip
Grind (Supermarket
Fine Grind (finer
than Drip Grind)
5. Making Coffee
Please follow the steps described in
chapter 4.
Filling the Water Tank
Using more coffee can result in an
overflow of ground coffee, above the
filter, blocking the drip stop function
and causing a mess on your counter.
The water level indicator shows you
how much water will be brewed.
CAUTION: Make sure the water level
does not reach the letter "M" of the
word MAX (see Fig. 6). If you fill more
water into the water container the
stainless steel carafe can overflow
with hot coffee which can cause
severe injuries.
When you use the thermal carafe for
filling the water tank, the inside of the
carafe will be cold from the cold
water. We highly recommend rinsing
the carafe with hot water. This will
increase the coffee temperature and
will keep the coffee hot longer.
5d. Using the Stainless Steel Carafe
For best coffee temperature pre-warm
the carafe by rinsing it with hot water.
Always make sure carafe is completely
empty. Place the lid on top of the
carafe as shown in Fig. 10 (pay atten-
tion to the position of the black dot
on the lid) and turn one full turn
clockwise until closed (see Fig. 11).
Do not tighten too much. Caution:
Make sure the lid is not in the pouring
position (Fig. 12). This could result in
the Filter Holder popping up. The drip
stop will not work and hot coffee
could overflow from the filter holder.
Attention: Please note that the lid
must always be on the carafe and
closed (Fig. 11) during brewing to
activate the drip stop. If you lose the
lid, you cannot brew coffee. Please
call 1-800-767-3554 to order a new
lid or use the enclosed mail order form.
5a. Using the GoldTone Filter
A size 4 GoldTone filter comes with
the machine. It sits in the Filter Holder.
Attention: Coffee flows slower through
a GoldTone Filter than through paper
filters. Please see the chart in chapter
5c for maximum coffee amounts.
5b. Using Filter Paper
Use size 4 paper only. Always fold the Place the carafe on the platform.
bottom and side crimps over for a
proper fit (see Fig. 5). Do not use a
filter paper inside a GoldTone Filter!
5e. Turning the Coffee Maker On
Push the On/Off button (Fig. 2, N).
The red light will illuminate, indicating
that the brewing process is starting.
Caution: Never open the water con-
tainer lid during brewing.
5c. How Much Coffee?
A coffee scoop comes with your
MT500. We recommend using one
level scoop of coffee per cup. If you
like your coffee extremely strong
never use more coffee than the
amounts indicated in the chart shown.
5f. Serving Coffee
Brewing time for a full pot of coffee
takes just about 7 minutes. Then all
the water is passed through the heat-
ing element and the internal thermo-
stat shuts off. The red indicator light
still stays on for approx. another two
minutes then turns off, too. This is
normally the time it takes for all the
water in the filter holder to pass into
the carafe. Depending on the amount
let the coffee maker cool down for
another three minutes before refilling
the water tank. Important: Make sure
the carafe is empty before brewing.
5j. Auto Shut-Off / Manual Shut-Off
The internal thermostat turns off after
of coffee and the fineness of the grind all the water is processed through the
this last process can take another one heating element. The red indicator
to two minutes.
light will turn off approx. 2 minutes
after that, allowing for the water to
pass through the filter holder into the
carafe. In case of emergency you can
always turn off the coffee maker by
pushing the On button again. The red
light will turn off and brewing will stop
within 30 seconds.
Remove the carafe from the plat-
form. Turn the lid counterclockwise
until the black dot is over the pouring
spout (Fig. 12). You can now pour
coffee. After serving make sure to
close the lid again to prevent heat
from escaping from the carafe.
Caution: There is still hot coffee in
your filter holder passing through into
the carafe. Also there is still cold
water in the water tank.
5g. Pouring Coffee While Brewing
You can pull the carafe from the plat-
form during the brewing process for
approx. 20 seconds to pour a cup in
between. Make sure to close the lid
before you replace the carafe.
5k. Warm Platform!
The heating element of the MT500 is
located underneath the platform on
5h. Brewing Small Amounts of Coffee which the carafe is placed during
When brewing small amounts of coffee brewing. As a result the platform will
(3 to 5 cups) we recommend rinsing
the carafe with hot water and using
the 3-5 cup button (Fig 2, M).
get a bit warm during brewing. This
does not heat up the coffee inside the
Push the 3-5 cup button first. The
green indicator light will go on. Then
push the On/Off button. The red indi-
cator light will go on. The brewing
process will be slowed down to allow
the coffee to reach its full aroma.
When brewing is finished, both indi-
cator lights will turn off.
6. Automatic Brewing at a
Pre-Programmed Time
Set the programmed time at which
you wish to brew coffee as described
in chapter 2d.
Make sure that the programmed
time is correct (AM or PM).
If you pushed the 3-5 cup button by
mistake, just push it again to turn off
this function.
Attention: When brewing 3-5 cups of
coffee the temperature in the carafe
will be approx. 3 to 5 degrees lower
than on a full pot.
Hint: If you want your coffee ready by
7:15 AM, set the programmed time to
7:05, i.e. 10 minutes earlier. This way
you get the freshest and hottest
coffee possible.
Important: Avoid any air conditioner
blowing cold air against the thermal
carafe. This will cool down the carafe
5i. Making Multiple Carafes of Coffee overnight and reduce the coffee tem-
If you want to make another carafe of
coffee immediately after the first pot,
wait until the On light is off and then
perature in the carafe.
Fill the water tank and filter holder
and place the empty carafe with the
closed lid on the platform (chapter 4).
Push the "auto" button (Fig. 2, L).
The green indicator light above this
button will go on.
At the pre-programmed time, the red
on button will go on and the green
auto light will go off, indicating that
brewing has started.
more coffee than you will drink within
two hours after brewing.
9. Cleaning the Coffee Maker
• Make sure coffee maker is turned
off (Red light is off). Always unplug
the appliance from the outlet before
Important: If you pushed the auto
button by mistake just push it again
to turn it off.
• Never use scouring agents.
• Never immerse the appliance in
water or any other liquid and never
clean under running water. To clean
the appliance, wipe off with a soft,
damp cloth.
• Dishwasher safe (upper rack) are:
Filter Holder, GoldTone Filter.
• Clean the GoldTone Filter after
every use. Otherwise coffee oils will
form and clog up the small filter
openings. Old, hardened coffee oils
can spoil the taste of your coffee.
• Clean the lid of the carafe under
running water.
7. Handling of the Thermal Carafe
The lid of the thermal carafe has a
pouring indentation to make it possi-
ble to pour with the lid in place (black
dot pointing at the spout, Fig. 12).
Always make sure that the carafe is
transported in an upright position.
If you turn the carafe with its lid
closed on its side or turn it upside
down, hot coffee will flow into the
grooves of the lid and exit through
the side of the lid (Fig. 13 and 14).
Important: A stainless steel bottom
with three black feet covers the vacu-
um seal of the stainless steel body.
Do not try to remove this lid. Do not
place the carafe on any hot surfaces
• Drip stop in filter holder: make sure
that the drip stop is free of any
coffee particles, otherwise it might
not close properly when removing
the carafe.
since this can loosen the vacuum seal 10. Cleaning the Stainless Steel
inside the bottom. This can cause the Carafe
carafe to lose its warm keeping function. Never immerse carafe completely in
Do not place carafe in dishwasher.
hot water or any other liquid. Wipe
outside with a non-abrasive wet cloth
and dry. Fill inside with hot water and
a mild detergent and scrub with a
non-abrasive household brush. Rinse
8. Keeping Coffee Hot in
Thermal Carafes
After brewing a full pot of coffee the
temperature in the carafe will be
between 178º and 185º Fahrenheit
depending on how cold the carafe
11. Decalcifying
was initially. If the carafe stays closed, Your MT500 comes with a stainless
the temperature will gradually
decrease. After 4 hours the tempera-
ture will be between 155º and 165º
Fahrenheit. The more often you open
the carafe, the less coffee is in the
carafe, the faster the temperature will
steel-lined heating element. This
greatly reduces the need for decalci-
fying. As a guideline we recommend
decalcifying at least every 8 to 10
months or whenever the brewing
process slows down. If brewing ten
cups of water takes more than 9 min-
utes it is definitely time to decalcify.
Recommendation: For best coffee
results we recommend not making
Attention: Before decalcifying,
remove the GoldTone Filter from the
has been filtered in the carafe. Now
remove carafe and remove the Filter
holder. Clean filter holder under run-
ning water. Push the drip stop several
times to remove coffee particles. Over
the sink fill some water into the filter
holder and check if the drip stop closes
11a. How to Decalcify with DURGOL
Capresso and many European com-
panies recommend "Durgol" a
liquid decalcifying agent. Durgol
removes any calcium deposits up to
20 times faster than vinegar.
1. Remove the GoldTone Filter.
2. Fill the water container with 18 oz.
cold water. Add 6 oz. Durgol and
stir. Attention: Never fill Durgol into
the water container first.
3. Make sure that the filter holder is in
place and that the Stainless Steel
Carafe is empty. Place the Carafe
with the closed lid on the platform.
4. Let the solution sit for 5 minutes.
5. Turn the machine on and let the
solution pass through.
...Ground coffee is flowing over the
GoldTone Filter.
• Coffee is ground too fine.
• Use less coffee the next time
(chapter 5c).
• Use a paper filter (size 4) instead of
the GoldTone Filter.
6. When the red light turns off, remove
the carafe, empty the solution and
rinse the carafe thoroughly with
fresh water a few times.
7. Fill 5 cups of fresh water into the
water tank and brew through the
11b. Using other Decalcifying Agents
Please make sure only to use liquid
decalcifying agents suitable for drip
coffee makers and follow the instruc-
tions which come with the agent.
Attention: Decalcifying agents are
acids and therefore must be handled
properly. Please check the information
on the packaging of the decalcifying
agents before using.
12. Troubleshooting
What to do if...
...Coffee drips from the filter, when
the carafe is removed.
• Ground coffee sits in the drip stop
and does not allow the drip stop to
close properly. Immediately replace
the carafe and wait until all the coffee
13. Warranty
This Limited One Year Warranty covers
your CAPRESSO MT500 machine,
model #440. This warranty is in effect
for the period described above from
the date of the first consumer pur-
chase and is limited to the United
States of America. This warranty
covers all defects in materials or
workmanship (parts and labor)
including UPS ground transporta-
tion for both ways, if necessary.
This warranty does not cover:
• Any machine not distributed by
CAPRESSO within the United
Other limitations and exclusions:
Any implied warranties including
fitness for use and merchantability are
limited in duration to the period of the
express warranty set forth above and
no person is authorized to assume for
Capresso any other liability in
connection with the sale of the
machine. Capresso expressly dis-
claims liability for incidental and con-
sequential damages caused by the
machine. The terms “incidental dam-
ages” refers to the loss of the original
purchasers time, loss of the use of
the machine or other costs relating to
• Any machine not purchased from an the care and custody of the machine.
authorized CAPRESSO dealer.
• Damaged caused by accident,
The terms “consequential damages”
refers to the cost of repairing or
abuse, negligence, misuse, improper replacing other property which is
operation or failure to follow instruc-
tions contained in this manual.
• Any service or alteration performed
by an unauthorized person, company
or association.
• Loss of any loose parts.
• Damage caused by neglecting or
omitting cleaning and decalcifying.
damaged when this machine does not
work properly. The remedies provided
under this warranty are exclusive and
in lieu of all others. This warranty
gives you specific legal rights, and
you may also have other rights which
vary from state to state.
How To Reach Capresso
Should you require further information or if particular problems occur that are
not covered in this manual, please
• CALL our toll free HELP LINE: 1-800-767-3554 Mon.- Fri. 9AM to 8PM,
Sat. 9AM to 5PM EST. If you call at any other time, please leave a message
with your telephone number and when we can call you back.
• FAX us at 1-201-767-9684
• E-MAIL at
• WRITE to Capresso Inc., Customer Service, P.O.Box 775, Closter, NJ 07624
A customer service sticker with all contact information is attached to the side
of the MT500.
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